NEWS 2014


added December 10, 2014, 13:00, by Meike


“The Beauty of Serendipity”
by Meike Duch

Get it here: Meike’s limited edition prints!


added December 08, 2014, 13:00, by Meike

Do you ever lay awake at night after an unpleasant incident telling yourself you should have said this or that?
A few weeks ago I had a very unpleasant incident when a cashier at the supermarket felt the urge to describe to me that he had a sexual reaction that I was definitely not interested in. I was shocked,  probably turned red, mumbled something and left the store as soon as I could. The following night I lay awake thinking about what I should have said, how I should have reacted to his disgusting behaviour.

 Now Andreas and I went back to the store and found the same guy at the  checkout again. So I steered to another checkout with a female cashier  even if her line was longer. But Andreas didn't realize that that was the guy I wanted to avoid and put our vegetables on the guy's checkout faster than I could prevent it.
And surprisingly the guy made  another sexual comment, an explicit request for sexual activity this time. I was flabbergasted. But this time my being awake and thinking things through paid off...!

I told that guy that this is not an  appropriate behaviour and he shouldn't treat people like that. And I  told him that with a controlled, firm and loud (!) voice.
I rarely ever talk loudly but in this situation it was a tool to get more people  involved. I even put some more physical distance between him and myself  while talking to him to get more awareness of the other costumers and  cashiers around that he behaved very wrongly. And I did that quite successfully...

And guess who turned red and started to mumble this time...? He did! And guess who was in control of the situation this time? I was! The  assignment of roles completely turned around.
I think he learned a valuable lesson that he had to be taught! And so did I.
I could have done better, should have demanded an apology from him for example, so I rated myself a 8 out of 10. And he definitely earned a 0!

Note to myself:
If ever someone makes nasty comments or  harasses you again, remember, it is not your position to feel  embarrassed, humiliated or less worthy - it is his or hers! It is your position to speak up, take a stand, be strong!
And I add a smiley to my note - just to cheer me on!


added December 03, 2014, 13:00, by Andreas

“How I invented the Future”
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added November 26, 2014, 13:02, by Meike


“It's kind of pretty, isn't it...”
by Meike Duch

Get it here: Meike’s limited edition prints!


added November 25, 2014, 14:10, by Meike

Look, someone has built...

...this adorable tiny library in Halifax!
I love awesome additions to the community like this...!


added November 11, 2014, 12:21, by Meike

“Let's give it a try”
by Meike Duch

127 x 81 cm (50 x 32 inch)
mixed media on canvas


added November 10, 2014, 15:00, by Meike

Remembrance Day...?

 As a woman whose significant other is a veteran who was hurt by a grenade during his time in the military I say:
You want me to remember?

  • Ok, let's remember that men and women are sent to fight in wars by politicians who failed to solve problems peacefully.
  • Let's remember that men and women are sent to wars by politicians who lied about the reasons of wars.
  • Let's remember all the civilian victims of wars, the children, women and men injured and killed.
  • Let's remember that glorification of wars and war-”heroes”€ť makes it  so easy to make future men and women - now your sons and daughters - get sent to wars to kill other sons and daughters and die themselves.
  • Let's remember that wars sow the seed for future conflicts and other wars resulting in even more suffering.

Good. I remember.

And I also remember to celebrate that special day to honour all those  women and men who work to make this world a more peaceful, more just and more liveable place for all of us and future generations - without killing anyone!
Wait, there is no special day to remember those  yet...? No one walks around for weeks with a flower on their collars to  remember themselves and their sons and daughters to strive for a  peaceful future where people solve their conflicts in responsible and  respectful ways, led by politicians who do the same?

Well, that says a lot about society and humankind, doesn't it?

 Remember, you can't change the past but you can change the future!

 “Nothing will end war unless the peoples themselves refuse to go to war.” Albert Einstein


added November 06, 2014, 14:01, by Meike

I'd love to know the story behind this!

I've found it on a house wall here in Halifax.


added October 29, 2014, 13:03, by Andreas

“Look, it's yesterday’s future!”
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added October 29, 2014, 13:01, by Meike


“Meeting another lovely new friend”
by Meike Duch

Get it here: Meike’s limited edition prints!


added October 28, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

I met a cute squirrel that did sing!

So far I only found squirrels that could shriek, but this one was seriously kind of singing melodiously.
It was so lovely...! I've never seen or heard anything like it!


added October 25, 2014, 12:14, by Andreas

I'm very excited and feel deeply honoured!

 Thank you so much, Hi-Fructose Magazine, for featuring some of my works!  
 Twice...! Within two days...!  

Happy happy happy!

Read the full article here:
Andreas Lietzow’s Digital Artworks Depict Otherworldly Creatures at Hi-Fructose Magazine!


added October 23, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

Reading the latest local news...

So, yes, some humans try to spread fear and hatred amongst their fellow humans. The reasons for that are manifold.

Well, to be serious, what concerns me most reading the latest Canadian news  and their responses is how willingly humans play along...!

That is the real danger: humans reacting out of fear and hatred.

If humans react as they were dictated by those who want to spread fear and hatred the distribution of power is clear.

So, please, let's try to keep calm and think with our own heads - so that  we can react well-considered, impartial and for the right reasons,  mindful and far-sighted.

As Mahatma Gandhi said “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Please, don't become blind, world. There is a lot of hope to see!

(photo by courtesy of NASA)         


added October 22, 2014, 13:01, by Meike


“Round it goes”
by Meike Duch

Get it here: Want!


added October 22, 2014, 13:00, by Andreas

“life is good ”
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added October 21, 2014, 13:00, by Meike

“Just try to listen”
by Meike Duch

102 x 81 cm (40 x 32 inch)
mixed media on canvas


added October 20, 2014, 14:05, by Meike

Well, yes, I made a new yellow-striped friend – I think...

Just for the case you wondered who that “crazy lady with the yellow hat” was that performed the crane-hopping-backwards-on-one-leg-with-shakes-and-twitsts-dance at the Halifax harbour front the other day you guessed right, it was me again...
I've encountered a huge insect (after some research afterwards I found out it was a ginormous hornet) that sat on the board walk and seemed to be in distress. So I found a leaf to give it a ride to a comfortable flower-bed to recover.
To check if my new yellow-striped friend was as well-disposed towards me as I was towards him I very gently (!) touched it with my boot. Short story: It was not.
It buzzed loudly and leeched on me no matter how much I performed expressonistic dance to get it off my leg. From a different perspective, maybe it just kindly wanted to assist me in getting a thorough workout before it moved on - or it liked me and was a bit overly clingy.
I think I go with that one, I like that one much more...!


added October 16, 2014, 13:07, by Meike

I made another green new friend!

Meet Cat...!
Cat - named after a very short version of a caterpillar - decided to take a ride on my headscarf and we spent a beautiful time together.
So I hope the tree I chose for it's next stopover made it very happy!


added October 15, 2014, 13:03, by Andreas

by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added October 15, 2014, 13:01, by Meike

“Time travel, yesterday, another unexpected experience”
by Meike Duch

143 x 80 cm (56 x 31.5 inch)
mixed media on canvas
It's available now!


added October 13, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

Happy Thanksgiving... all my friends near and far!
There's so much we can be thankful for...!


added October 11, 2014, 14:04, by Meike

We enjoyed..

...strolling along the harbour after last night's big art event in Halifax.
I love living on the ocean so much...!


added October 08, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

“Love overcomes borders”
by Meike Duch

Ink, acrylic, glitter, marker on metallic foil, love and more...
It's available now!


added October 08, 2014, 13:01, by Andreas

“The Guardian”
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added October 01, 2014, 14:02, by Meike

I made a new scaled friend!

Andreas and I found a snake that was about to cross a busy intersection. And since it had a life-expectancy of about 20 seconds on the street Andreas tried to shield it with a laptop bag from entering the street any further and I kept an eye on the cars to make sure they were safe. Well, because “Flauschi” (German kind of “Fluffy”, Andreas got the naming-rights) didn't know that electronic devices show you where to go and was determined to enter the street Andreas was brave, grabbed it and brought it back to safety. Uh! I was impressed!
Since I've seen very, very few wild snakes in my life so far I took the chance - before we released her at a safe place - to hold one for the first time! I thought you were supposed to hold it at the neck but Flauschi saw that differently. But she was fine with me holding her at the tail.
Actually Flauschi was much more relaxed than I was – probably she was more sure that I wouldn't bite, than I was that she wouldn't... She was very brave, and I thoroughly appreciated the experience!
She felt rubber-like and looked more beautiful than I ever expected!

photo by Meike, hands by Andreas


added September 29, 2014, 14:02, by Meike

One of my happy places... turning autumnal.
As much as I loved the summer, autumn might get even better...!


added September 23, 2014, 12:59, by Meike

Happy end...! :)

Yesterday Andreas and I walked along one of our favourite lakes when I spotted a seemingly empty boat floating around on it. We reached the spot where it finally landed at a beach and pulled it out of the water. I got pretty worried when we found a life-jacket and some personal things in it.

So Andreas stood behind at the beach to look for anyone in trouble - and I ran with my lunges popping out of my chest to find someone with a phone to notify police, fire-department and whatever needed.

Well, after everyone arrived at the beach and searched for some time the owner of the boat was luckily found and save and sound in another boat. I was extremely relieved!

I think he wasn't in any danger but the police thanked us unexpected intensely. A police car even honked with everyone inside smiling and waving at us when our ways crossed a little later.

So even if it looked a bit grim for a while it was a happy day at the end...! :)


added September 17, 2014, 14:59, by Andreas

Special offer:

Get this set of 3! Shipping free!


added September 17, 2014, 14:01, by Meike

We went to the park...

...and Damai made friends with a cute feathered-orange-legged-Tribble...
(I laughed so much when I saw the photo I have taken...!)

 Find more Peeple here!


added September 17, 2014, 13:03, by Andreas

My 3rd of a series of 3:

“Cuddle Time”

by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited print edition:


added September 16, 2014, 15:05, by Meike

We were lucky again...

...and met Eric, Halifax' 16 year old harbour cat.
As you can recognize by his shadow he's a close relative to Batman, so we're all in good hands - well, good paws.


added September 16, 2014, 14:01, by Andreas

Chirp, squeak...

(One of my strange things happened in the (to the?) wild...)


added September 10, 2014, 10:55, by Andreas

I always thought about art... a window to other worlds. And sometimes you are surprised what comes through this window.

Brand new and available as a limited print edition:

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
by Andreas Lietzow


added September 09, 2014, 14:10, by Meike

Went to the pond...

...and met an old friend...


added September 09, 2014, 12:57, by Andreas

I had a surreal amount of fun...

...creating this! It was like skipping through a summerlike wildflower meadow surrounded by fluffy-pink-winged baby dragons!

Brand new and available as a limited print edition:

“Tea Time Guest”
by Andreas Lietzow


added September 03, 2014, 13:10, by Meike

This was such a happy pleasure to create! I really enjoyed it! :)

“Sharing the dreams”

by Meike Duch

ink, acrylic, marker on metallic foil, love and more...

Available here: Yay!


added September 03, 2014, 11:57, by Andreas

A while ago I...

...asked for new models and he is one of those who responded. His mother is a granddaughter of Zeus and his father is one of the squirrels of Lothlórien.

“study of a dear friend holding a banana”

by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited print edition:


added September 02, 2014, 13:11, by Andreas


...of my “study of a dear friend holding a banana”, will post the complete work tomorrow.


added September 02, 2014, 13:09, by Meike

It seems that Segways become more and more popular around her. I've tried it some years ago – it's fun!

I wonder what the Greyhound thinks...! ;)


added August 28, 2014, 11:54, by Meike


“I've been thinking lately...”

by Meike Duch

material: ink, acrylic, marker on metallic foil, love and more...

Get it here: Want!


added August 26, 2014, 14:09, by Meike

We got together with William Nevin, the Chief of the White Eagle Sundance.

I love meeting people with different backgrounds, believes, cultures, religions, hopes and dreams. We can all learn so much from each other...!


added August 21, 2014, 12:51, by Meike


“Walk the walk.”

by Meike Duch

material: ink, acrylic, marker on metallic foil, love and more...

Get it here: Want!


added August 19, 2014, 12:55, by Meike

Went nuts over nuts... :)

Yay, we've found our first wild hazelnuts in the woods! Probably not a lot of people will understand my excitement - but it makes me very happy!

In my enthusiasm I tried to break some of the nuts apart to see how they look like at this time of the year. And then Andreas had to sit down with me and pull out dozens of those nasty little splinters out of 8 (!) of my fingers.

Well, I decided to declare this a romantic memory... :D


added August 14, 2014, 14:17, by Meike

We went to the woods and came back with lots and lots of goodies! :)

I love this season...!


added August 13, 2014, 15:28, by Meike

”No Lobster is perfect”
by Meike Duch

available at Argyle Fine Art


added August 13, 2014, 13:02, by Andreas

And... finished!

I think I should go into the forest, pick some berries!

“Call of the Wild”
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited print edition:


added August 07, 2014, 14:31, by Andreas

Work in progress...

More moose! I love to bring my friendly furry neighbours into art.
Will be a lot of fun to finish it!


added August 07, 2014, 12:21, by Meike

Some people aren't too happy about the lake-weed in the neighbourhood lakes.

But hey, look, it just wants to play...!


added August 06, 2014, 13:20, by Meike

”And Lobsters come from Mars”
by Meike Duch

available at Argyle Fine Art


added August 05, 2014, 12:25, by Andreas

Splashing around with my duckling friends.


added August 05, 2014, 12:19, by Meike

Went to the woods and came back with a smile.

Here it is.


added July 30, 2014, 14:56, by Andreas

“Donut Lovers”
by Andreas Lietzow

Available at Argyle Fine Art.


added July 30, 2014, 13:46, by Meike


added July 29, 2014, 14:47, by Andreas

“Psyche and Cupid
and friendly greetings to W. A. Bouguereau”
by Andreas Lietzow

Available at Argyle Fine Art.


added July 29, 2014, 14:25, by Meike

”Three Graces”
by Meike Duch

Available at Argyle Fine Art.


added July 23, 2014, 13:14, by Meike

I love to sneak up on people in galleries and listen to their taking about my artworks. :D

That always makes me very, very happy! :)

These are at Argyle Fine Art downtown Halifax.


added July 23, 2014, 00:07, by Andreas

Brand new and available as a limited print edition.

The Discovery
- and friendly greetings to Mr. Turner”

by Andreas Liezow


added July 22, 2014, 14:55, by Andreas

And here I am!

My finished comic-self, ready for adventures!
To boldly go where no man has gone before! I should drink a tea first, then I'll cuddle a dragon - or a squirrel...


added July 22, 2014, 14:50, by Meike

Twas a foggy day.

A world disappeared.
The end.
P.S.: When the sun came up again a world appeared.
Is it the same? We will see.


added July 17, 2014, 22:38, by Meike

Went to the woods and made a new friend...!


added July 14, 2014, 13:48, by Meike

There is something on my mind...

Friday evening at around 10 Andreas and I passed a young couple sitting in front of a coffee-shop holding a sign and asking for money. So I sat down to them and asked the girl how old she was because there is a shelter in Halifax for young homeless kids. She is 17. Seventeen.

So I suggested them to go the shelter - and she said she has been there and at the shelter have been people taking drugs and drinking alcohol and she didn't want to go there.
Whenever I see someone in a predicament it's my instinct to help – and there was nothing long-ranging I could do for that child. It ripped out my heart.

When I was home I did some research on homeless youth in Halifax and found a CBC report saying “Last winter, 285 kids ages 19 and under lived on streets.” 285 in this tiny city...?!

With seventeen you should go to school in the morning and get a hug from your parents before you go to sleep. The girl I talked to probably hasn't had both for a while.
What she had was the saddest voice I remember talking to.

And that seriously has to change!


added July 10, 2014, 13:14, by Meike

I really like how people around here enjoy to be on the water!

Besides several dragon boat groups and such there is even a yoga group (!) by now where every participant practices on her/his own floating little board! :)
I'm so impressed how they manage to keep their balance and stay on their boards even while bending their bodies!


added July 02, 2014, 15:48, by Meike

I've been a bit sickly for a little while. Just a cold - but a nasty one.

One of those you think about which one of your body parts you want to get rid of first - the ears, nose, some of your tentacles...
I even had to put a band-aid on my favourite nose because it was sore... Have you ever wondered how it is to put a band-aid on your precious nose while having it running all the time? Wonder no more, as I said, very nasty... :)
So I'm very sorry for not answering a lot of messages or comments during the last time.

I'm still kind of wobbly - so I'll take a bit of time to catch up and will be back soon! :)


added May 30, 2014, 13:55, by Meike

We’re still on our food adventure of eating new things from nature.

As our newest “walk on the wild side” we tried to eat the leaves of dandelion - by cooking them in tomato sauce for spaghetti. Everything tastes good in tomato sauce and spaghetti, right?

And, voilŕ, theory confirmed: Everything tastes good in tomato sauce and spaghetti! Dandelion leaves are officially part of our menu now!


added May 29, 2014, 13:50, by Meike

Peeple – Give a Friend!

Project announcement

Sometimes having a friend can change the world for someone who doesn't feel to have one. A friend to talk to, who listens, who doesn't criticize, someone who stands besides you no matter what, a compassionate loving gentle friend.

These people might be found in hospitals, orphanages, hospices, shelters for battered women, centres caring for bullying victims, suicide prevention centres and more places like these...

So what I want to do is giving a Peeple friend in plush to people who are in need of one.

You can be part of the project! And by supporting it you can show someone in need that there is a person out there who does care!

Please spread the word! Thank you!

Peeple - Give a Friend!


added May 29, 2014, 13:50, by Andreas

I'm so excited about my new webcomic project, looking very much forward to see myself in a redesigned form.


added May 28, 2014, 13:50, by Meike

I'll announce the next phase of the “Peeple – Friends in Plush” movement soon!

It's for a good cause – so I'm very enthusiastic about it!


added May 27, 2014, 18:14, by Meike

I really adore some of my neighbours!

Have a wonderful day, too!


added May 27, 2014, 15:56, by Andreas

I decided to add something new...



added May 22, 2014, 12:43, by Meike

This is our friend's adorable dog Silas, Silas the Wonderdog to be precise.

He weights more than I do - and I love every pound of him!
He's such a sweetheart!


added May 21, 2014, 13:23, by Meike

Look who just came around -  it's Amani!

Amani seems to be a big thinker. And like all Peeple Amani dreams big and believes in the good in everyone.
So if you feel the same a cuddly Peeple might be a good companion for you! :)

Amani and some other Peeple friends are available here: Peeple - friends in plush!


added May 20, 2014, 15:55, by Meike

I played “happy test dummy” again and this time I made birch leaves tea...

It's said to be the perfect time of the year for picking the leaves now and the tea is supposed to be very healthy.
Drank 3 litres of it in 3 days and yes, it even tastes good - so worth a try!


added May 19, 2014, 13:25, by Meike

I like the season when the lost gloves of the winter pop up everywhere. Sure sign of spring around here!

And people seem to enjoy displaying their finds! It's like a “spring trophy”... :)


added May 16, 2014, 13:08, by Meike

This is why...

I recently received one of the messages that really touch my heart. Someone wrote me that she was going through a rough time and my Peeple made her smile for the first time in a very, very long time.

That made me very happy because this is why I do what I do.

This is why Peeple symbolize tolerance, friendliness and love. No one is alone. Even if everyone around is different than you, looks different, thinks different - you are still lovable and loved!

I'm really working hard on spreading this message!

I want to to make people feel better, to overcome challenges, make them start dreaming big and then realizing that dreams.

That's all. :)


added May 15, 2014, 14:53, by Meike

Let me introduce you to Maluhia! :)

I think this special new Peeple friend looks full of spirits, doesn't it?
Maluhia means “Peace” in Hawaiian.
Find more about Maluhia and other pretty lovable Peeple friends in plush.


added May 15, 2014, 12:35, by Meike

Went to the park and made a new furry friend.

It was a bit shy but definitely liked me. I'm more a dog person but maybe I'm getting a cat person after all as well - at least I'm pretty sure this was a Meike cat... :)


added May 14, 2014, 13:20, by Meike

Yay! Finally! Peeple are going plush! :)

This little fellow is Damai.
Like all Peeple Damai is a peace-loving soul and so “Damai” means “Peace” in Indonesian.
Find more about the new Peeple Friends in Plush.

And you can read more about the world of Peeple and their mission here:
Welcome to the beautiful world of Peeple!



added May 14, 2014, 13:01, by Andreas

Available as a limited print edition.

and friendly greetings to W. A. Bouguereau"

by Andreas Lietzow


added May 13, 2014, 13:18, by Meike

Yes, this might be what you think it might be. :)

Stay tuned!
I'm very excited about this! :D


added May 08, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

Look, I've found a Tribble...!

Andreas said it was moss but I know better... 
Yes, it was friendly.


added May 06, 2014, 14:02, by Meike


the beavers are still doing fine, thanks for asking!


added April 30, 2014, 12:05, by Andreas

I made this picture...

...of my friend a while ago and I still love to see it!

"The Chosen One"

by Andreas Lietzow


added April 24, 2014, 13:00, by Meike

Yay! All winter long...

...I was a liiitle bit worried if “our” beavers are doing fine under all that ice...
So I am very enthusiastic to see that this lovely one is doing great!


added April 22, 2014, 14:07, by Meike

Spring – seriously!

I want to take pictures of each little flower in the neighbourhood – neighbours are still fine with that so far...


added April 17, 2014, 14:01, by Meike

“Embrace the unexpected.”

by Meike Duch


added April 16, 2014, 15:02, by Meike



added April 16, 2014, 15:00, by Andreas

Since I was a child...

... I love metal foil. Maybe because of chocolate (aluminium foil) or the NASA moon program (gold foil) or the magic tricks my mother made (magic-metal-foil)
So, I'm still playing with it:


added April 15, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

Shades of Grey – Canadian style


added April 08, 2014, 14:08, by Meike

Nice try...!

Some people seem to be out to do everything to get rid of the snow around here now.
Relax, spring will come...!


added April 04, 2014, 14:02, by Meike

One of my highlights...

...of the winter was meeting a very cool guy at the Halifax boardwalk. 
First I thought he was yelling for someone to give him money - even if there was no one around. When   and I got closer we realized he was was blind and yelling for someone to find his white cane! And still he was smiling sunshiny...! What a nasty place to get lost right next to the edge of the pier - without any fencing - and then losing your white cane...!
After we have found his white cane (ever tried to find a white cane in the snow...?!) and the rest of his belongings he was in an even better mood. I would have been so shaken...! And he even wanted to learn some German vocabularies. After a nice chat he marched of – right in direction of the wet abyss.
So I hopped in his way, linked his arm with me and brought him to a nearby coffee shop. And he was still happy! What a great attitude! I was so impressed!


added April 03, 2014, 14:05, by Meike

Still enjoying the beauty of ice...


added April 02, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

“Want to dance?”

by Meike Duch


added April 01, 2014, 14:01, by Meike

Work in progress...:

It is always a pleasure when you are about to finish a piece of art to look back at its first sketches and see how far you've come.


added March 28, 2014, 16:00, by Meike

The days-after-the-blizzard are pretty for sure!


added March 27, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

“Be silly.”

by Meike Duch


added March 26, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

Some new pictures...

...of my Peeple series “Mental Spring Cleaning”


added March 26, 2014, 14:00, by Andreas

"It's a choice!"

by Andreas Lietzow


added March 25, 2014, 15:00, by Meike

This is how...

...spring looks like around here so far. It's actually very pretty!



added March 19, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

“Relax. Breathe. Everything is gonna be alright.”

by Meike Duch


added March 06, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

I'm working on a series...

...of Peeple pictures called “mental spring cleaning”. I already feel it doing me the world of good and hope it does the same to you!

“Dream big.”

by Meike Duch


added March 05, 2014, 14:00, by Andreas


by Andreas Lietzow



added February 06, 2014, 11:00, by Meike


by Meike Duch


added February 05, 2014, 14:01, by Andreas

"The apes didn't perform that well, let's try it with frogs:
Lesson one - be kind to your neighbours!"

by Andreas Lietzow


added January 29, 2014, 14:04, by Andreas

“So happy you are here!”

by Andreas Lietzow


added January 28, 2014, 14:02, by Meike

I jump got hop...

...jummmp a sample can hophop of a beverage (cola) jujujump containing hoopjump caffeine hop and humjump sugar. Well, hihihop, I usually try to juhump avoid both jamhop and didn't drink hohop caffeine for years hallihop. Since the hopjamhop expiry date was umjumjump coming up hahahop I drank half of it today hoooop and I aaahop am jumjumjump a-w-aaa-k-e hohohhop now.


added January 28, 2014, 14:04, by Andreas

After watching lots of videos about Banksy and Michelangelo..

...I got several ads for spray cans. I'm excited to see what will happen after watching Neanderthal videos...
“Call now and you will get 1000 hair roller for your beloved mammoth for just 20 clams!
Call now and we'll double the offer!”

Photo: Spray can lighthouse in Nova Scotia.


added January 23, 2014, 13:00, by Meike

Experimenting, playing, making a mess...


added January 22, 2014, 14:03, by Meike

Oh, lovely summer days when the plastic palms were sprouting, where are thou now...

Well, let's enjoy today's blizzard – summer will come in due time, I'm almost sure about that.



added January 22, 2014, 14:00, by Andreas

"Lady with unicorn
 and friendly greetings to Raphael"

by Andreas Lietzow


added January 15, 2014, 14:01, by Meike

In the mood for something different today?

Awesome, here we go:

“I've told you...!”

by Meike Duch


added January 14, 2014, 14:02, by Meike

Only 65 days until spring...!

I'm so much looking forward to meeting old and new friends!



added January 9, 2014, 14:00, by Meike

“So, now let's sing, everyone!”

by Meike Duch


added January 3, 2014, 16:01, by Meike

Andreas and I are celebrating our 18th anniversary being snowed in by a blizzard today.

Because we went (yes, went) to the grocery at -28°C wind chill yesterday we can enjoy green tea and doughnuts while watching the snow flash by. It's so lovely...!


added January 1, 2014, 16:16, by Meike

Happy New Year!
We wish you all a peaceful, inspired, safe, healthy and happy 2014!

2014 is allocated by the United Nations (UN) as the International Year of Family Farming, Crystallography and Small Island Developing States. So enjoy!


added April 09, 2013, 14:01, by Meike

Lumberjack... me...?

Need to saw some pieces of background wood for some art projects and went to my second favourite hardware store. Asked a very cute gentleman shop assistant who looked like out-of-season Santa Claus where to find a hand saw and he asked me with an adorable smile if I would need it for lumber work or to cut down trees...
I loved that he seriously assumed tiny me would be able to cut down big trees with a hand saw!
The pictures popping up in my head of that process are pretty hilarious – maybe I should try it some day!






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Meike Duch & Andreas Lietzow
All rights reserved.