“Sweet Temptation of the Holy Something”
by Andreas Lietzow & MeikeDuch
Hairy Icosahedron print, shirt and sculpture Meike Duch & me playing nicely together!
“the beauty of the present
by Andreas Lietzow and Meike Duch
“the Reason for Everything”
by Andreas Lietzow and Meike Duch
The Three Pleasures:
"the Pleasure of Love” “the Pleasure of Play” "the Pleasure of Giving"
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch
“The Unicorn's Dream”
by Andreas Lietzow
"Something about hamsters, time travel and conspiracy theories"
by Andreas Lietzow
“How I invented the Future”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Look, it's yesterday’s future!”
by Andreas Lietzow
“life is good ”
by Andreas Lietzow
"the Pleasure of Love”
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch
“the Pleasure of Play”
by Andreas Lietzow and Meike Duch
"the Pleasure of Giving"
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch
by Andreas Lietzow
“The Guardian”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Cuddle Time”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Tea Time Guest”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Cuddle Time” “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” “Tea Time Guest”
by Andreas Lietzow
“The Discovery - and friendly greetings to Mr. Turner”
by Andreas Liezow
"The Chosen One"
by Andreas Lietzow
“Aqua sapiens”
by Andreas Lietzow
“play time”
by Andreas Lietzow
“the discovery of delight - and friendly greetings to Franz Marc”
by Andreas Lietzow
"I think, therefore I am - by the beard of Rodin!"
by Andreas Lietzow
“best friends”
by Andreas Lietzow
“The Temptation of Cloud Farming - and Friendly Greetings to Señor Dalí”
by Andreas Lietzow
"The Dance - Plato meets Matisse"
by Andreas Lietzow
"first steps"
- by Andreas Lietzow
"in the presence of the God of Chocolate"
by Andreas Lietzow
by Andreas Lietzow
"it's about life"
by Andreas Lietzow
"self portrait - and friendly greetings to Andy Warhol"
by Andreas Lietzow
"The 3 Graces - love, colour and tentacles"
by Andreas Lietzow
“Beauty and the Beast”
by Andreas Lietzow
“...the meaning of life...”
by Andreas Lietzow
“the 4th grace”
by Andreas Lietzow
“new possibilities”
by Andreas Lietzow
"The Three Graces - and the vision!"
by Andreas Lietzow
mixed media Height 169 cm.; Width 289 cm.; Depth 84 cm
“Gayatri the Excitatory”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Juliet and Romeo and a Happy End”
by Andreas Lietzow
The Temple of the Hairy Icosahedron
installation by Andreas Lietzow
“Vatave the Knowable”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Sarvasiddhipradaya from the north”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Onella the Perceivable”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Anahita the creator of constancy”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Uttalottala the Strong”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Mahima the Public Figure”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Kadru the Ethereous”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Dayani the Specific”
by Andreas Lietzow
“Vishnave the Sinistral”
Andreas Lietzow